Enum TopologyValidationErrors
Contains information about the nature and location of a Geometry validation error.
Namespace: NetTopologySuite.Operation.Valid
Assembly: NetTopologySuite.dll
public enum TopologyValidationErrors
Name | Description |
DisconnectedInteriors | Indicates that the interior of a polygon is disjoint (often caused by set of contiguous holes splitting the polygon into two parts). |
DuplicateRings | Indicates that a polygonal geometry contains two rings which are identical. |
HoleOutsideShell | Indicates that a hole of a polygon lies partially or completely in the exterior of the shell. |
InvalidCoordinate | Indicates that the |
NestedHoles | Indicates that a hole lies in the interior of another hole in the same polygon. |
NestedShells | Indicates that a polygon component of a MultiPolygon lies inside another polygonal component. |
NoInvalidIntersection | |
RingNotClosed | Indicates that a ring is not correctly closed (the first and the last coordinate are different). |
RingSelfIntersection | Indicates that a ring self-intersects. |
SelfIntersection | Indicates that two rings of a polygonal geometry intersect. |
TooFewPoints | Indicates that either: