Enum Dimension
Provides constants representing the dimensions of a point, a curve and a surface.
Namespace: NetTopologySuite.Geometries
Assembly: NetTopologySuite.dll
public enum Dimension
Also provides constants representing the dimensions of the empty geometry and non-empty geometries, and the wildcard constant Dontcare meaning "any dimension". These constants are used as the entries in IntersectionMatrixs.
Name | Description |
A | Dimension value of a surface (2). |
Collapse | Dimension value for a collapsed surface or curve |
Curve | Dimension value of a curve (1). |
Dontcare | Dimension value for any dimension (= {False, True}). |
False | Dimension value of a empty point (-1). |
L | Dimension value of a curve (1). |
P | Dimension value of a point (0). |
Point | Dimension value of a point (0). |
Surface | Dimension value of a surface (2). |
True | Dimension value of non-empty geometries (= {Point,Curve,Surface}). |
Unknown | Dimension value for a unknown spatial object |